Music Videos
When Beck launched his Wow album - he had reached out to a small group of artists to create 15-second pieces that connected back to the first single. I was inspired by the idea and created my first stop-motion animation with paper puppets using a multi-plane table. I posted the video and soon heard from Beck and Capitol Records - that they loved it and could they share on their socials.
A short time later a band out of Philly, Bel Heir, contacted me about creating a video for their new single, "Light at the End of the Tunnel". I ended up working on that video for a year and created hundreds of paper puppets and sets for the 3-minute video. It ended up winning a bunch of film awards in the months after release.
Since then I have shifted to more 3-Dimensional characters and puppets because I can achieve a lot more dynamic results vs. the 2D quality of the paper puppets