Boris Podrecca
Vienna, Austria
Project realized while working with Boris Podrecca
I worked in Boris Podrecca’s office in Vienna from 1997-1999 – we lived in his former office – which was a huge apartment in the Ringstrasse near the Votivkirche. I was involved with numerous projects during my time there – Boris likes to empower his designers to run with the projects and would check in with the various teams each day to keep things on track.
Living in Vienna was wonderful – my wife, Heidi, acted in television commercials and had a few other jobs around the city. We would go to museums on the weekends and then to the public pools – afterwards you head to the Heuringen – the vineyards just outside the city and drink really young wine and eat until you are ready to go to sleep. Vienna is one of those mythical architectural and design cities – so much of the formation of modern design and applied arts started in that city at the turn of the Century